Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Birth Place Party

On Saturday, April 25, 2009, we went back to the hospital where Leah was born (St. Josephs Hospital) to attend a party for those that gave birth in the Birth Place in 2008. Ironically, it was exactly 9 months ago on July 25, 2008, when my water broke and Leah was getting ready to enter the world, but Leah wasn't actually born until 21 hours later on July 26, 2008.

When Chris was driving us into the parking lot, a flood of memories came rushing in to both of our minds. It's amazing how much I actually forgot until I got back there...being big, pregnant, itchy from the PUPPPS, feeling of excitement that Leah Victoria was finally going to enter the world, praying that I can get through the pregnancy drug free, and just amazed and thankful that I was finally going to be a mommy.

I was so excited to be reunited with the nurse that helped deliver Leah, Marg Mills, and couldn't wait for her to see Leah now at 9 months old. Of course with all my excitement, I completely forgot that I wanted to take a picture of her and Leah (I brought the camera and everything) :(

Below are some pictures that the newspaper photographer took:

This boy wouldn't leave Leah alone

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