Monday, July 05, 2010

Fourth of July @ Sesame Place (070210-070510)

Happy Birthday America!

Chris was able to take some time off over the long weekend so we planned a very last minute trip to Sesame Place in Langhorne, PA. We had absolutely perfect weather for the 4 days and of course had an amazing time. Leah was so excited about seeing Elmo that she woke up saying "Elmo?...Play?...Dun?...Mom? at 7:26 in the morning! If you know our Leah, you know that she normally doesn't wake up until closer to 9:00 AM. Here are some pictures of the 2 days we spent at Sesame Place:

Elmo Rocks Show

Leah in the Teeny Tiny Tidal Wave

Getting ready to go The Count's Splash Castle (No waterproof camera = No pictures...Sorry!)

Leah and I went on Flyin' Fish
You control how high you want to go and of course we had to go to the top :)

Chris and Leah went on Peek-A-Bug
I thought it only went back and forth but it actually spins and goes sideways as well
(Chris' hand is under Leah's bum to protect her cheeks from getting burned on the black seats)

Leah loved Elmo far away, but as soon as he would touch her, she would pull back...that went for all the characters LOL

After the parade, Leah kept saying "Neigh Neigh" we went on the carousel

 Leah had an absolute blast at Ernie's Waterworks

Leah kept waiting for the water to spit up and when it hit her right in the face LOL

Leah loves tunnels, but she was only able to crawl through it 2 or 3 times because a little girl would sit in there and wouldn't budge for anyone so the kids had to crawl over her or turn back around (All I have to say is "WHERE WERE HER PARENTS!")

We did a lot more, but unfortunately we couldn't capture everything because we didn't have a waterproof camera. Leah had so much fun on Big Bird's Rambling River that we went on it probably 4 or more times. It's basically a lazy river ride in a tube...she even almost fell asleep on it cause it was so relaxing!

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