Thursday, November 04, 2010

Framing - 2nd floor (110210)

Yesterday Leah and I went to check out the progress on the house and take some pictures of course. They had temporary stairs leading upstairs but they didn't have rails or plywood on the back of the stairs so it was just an exposed staircase, which of course made me nervous since I am already clumsy with Jacob and then holding Leah as well so we just walked up to the landing and took pictures instead of going all the way up. I had one hand holding Leah and the other hand snapping the pictures so they aren't the best, but you'll get a good idea. Tomorrow, I will have more pictures as the interior walls upstairs should be pretty much finished.

First window is in the laundry room and the smaller window to the left is in the master bath
Master bath and our bedroom
Master bedroom window
That's of our framers. He's actually in bedroom next to our room
The wall that is pushed out will be the shared vanity area for 2 of the bedrooms. Leah's bedroom will be the one to the left...unless she decides she doesn't want that one.
Leah's bedroom
In the middle is another bedroom...this will most likely be Jacob's room, but again...this may change.
Pushed out wall is the other shared vanity area for the other 2 bedrooms
Shared vanity area for the other 2 bedrooms and the window is the other bedroom.
From the landing looking at the front entrance
From the landing looking down towards the kitchen and mudroom
Outside looking through the front entrance
Bay window in the playroom
Powder room
Garage/Driveway view
Driveway view
Closer driveway view
Full view

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