Saturday, December 04, 2010

Moving along with electrical & plumbing

Since the last post a lot has happened with the house. The roof is complete; basement stairs have been put in; garage, porch, and basement floors have been poured; and HVAC complete. The past week or so the plumber and electrician have been working hard to get things done...even working on weekends, but we are still behind schedule.

In the kitchen looking towards the family room - The "H" looking thing is where the fireplace will go
Our dining room
Family room looking towards the kitchen. Of course Leah couldn't resist on stepping through the dirt pile.
In the family room looking towards the front hallway
Leah's favorite spot in the house...the Powder room LOL.
Study (No it's not snowing in the house...that's dust from the guys sweeping)
Front entrance
Upstairs spare bedroom #1
Jacob's future room
Leah's room - She's checking out her new bathtub.
Outside of Leah's bedroom looking down the hallway
Spare bedroom #2
Master bedroom
Our soaking tub in the bathroom with a see-thru fireplace to the left looking into the master

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