Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Vancouver Trip - Visiting my family (8/1-8/21)

Leah and I went to Vancouver, BC to visit my side of the family. We were only suppose to go for 1.5-2 weeks but then Chris decided that he wasn't able to make it due to workload so I extended our trip to 3 weeks. The first week or so Leah had a pretty hard time adjusting to the time change, new environment, and being some place where the only familiar face was....well me. Every morning for the first week Leah would say to me "daddy?". It was so cute and sad at the same time...she really missed daddy not being around.

Leah got to meet a ton of cousins, great aunts & uncles, her great-grandparents, friends, and of course get to see her Paw Paw (my mom; Leah's grandma) and her Yee Yee (my lil sis; Leah's auntie) again.

Here are just a few pictures from our trip:

Cousin Fionne and Lori (my cousin Kev's girlfriend)

Emily, me & Leah, Carter, and Evonne

Lori and my cousin Kev (they are too cute - I love them!)

Leah loving the bubbles Evonne bought her

Below are some pics from my grandfather's 80th birthday party. We didn't get a chance to get everyone in the pic so here is just some of my family

This is on of my favorites because my cousin Christine and I are 10 months apart, and now our first born children are the same months apart...maybe we can plan our 2nd like that too :)

1 of Paw Paw's presents to Leah is getting her ear's pierced

My baby cousin Aiden...isn't he SOOO cute!!

Baby Calli giving me a kiss :)

Leah giving cousin Vanessa a kiss

Leah and Auntie Sarah

Okay...so this is us trying to attempt a nice group photo with 4 children LOL...Thanks to my sister Mandy who tried and tried to get a nice photo :D

Leah gets so excited when she receives a "red pocket", which has money in it...it's a Chinese thing (she's learning too early)!

Leah and Grandpa Stephen

Leah giving Paw Paw kisses

Pictures below: We were in a Chinese mall called Aberdeen and the sculpture you see is just a quarter of the full sand sculpture...it was beautiful!

My mom, Leah, dad, and my sister Mandy in front of the sand sculpture

As you can see (yellow chain)...Leah was not suppose to be in there

My mom teaching Leah a Chinese game...Leah does this everyday now haha

Leah and her Yee Yee (Auntie)

Leah and her great-grandparents

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