Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was just a beautiful day all around! We had some lunch, spent some time at Fair Haven, and topped it off with dinner at Rudy's. Thank you to my wonderful husband who got the kids ready this morning and planned a beautiful day. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and great kids :)

Hanging out on mommy & daddy's bed
Our little man turned 5 months yesterday
Our stubborn daughter never wanting to look at the camera when prompted.

Our beautiful girl :) She had so much fun at the park, or as she calls it the "ocean".
I wish I had my actual camera...not just my iPhone. This was just a beautiful sight! I have never seen so many swans at one time. I counted 13, but I'm sure there were more. It was so beautiful seeing them hanging out enjoying the beautiful lake. I believe we were witnessing swan courtship. It's hard to see in these pictures but they were dipping their heads in the water and stretching and twisting their necks. How cool is that :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

looks like a beautiful day!