Sunday, December 19, 2010

Grosso Christmas party

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Today was the Grosso Family Christmas party. Leah had a great time playing with her cousins, eating yummy food, and opening presents.
Nena (Great-grandma Grosso) with baby Jacob
Cousin Erika with baby Jacob
Cousin's - Jen holding baby Eva, Jeff, and Jarrod
Cousin Erika holding baby Jacob and Erika's son Evan

Cousin Jen holding baby Eva (Jeff & Erika's new addition)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jacob - 11 days old

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We had to run some errands today and do some more Christmas shopping so I decided to put Jacob in an actual outfit instead of just a simple one-piece sleeper, which of course means...I had to put on his socks and boots :)

Checkout my boots
Jacob: "Mommy can you stop taking my picture? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep."
Mommy's little man :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cookies at Grandpa & Grammy's (12/10/10)

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Last Friday, Chris dropped Leah off to Grandpa & Grammy's house to make cookies with her cousins before he came to pick Jacob and me up from the hospital.

Leah had a lot of fun making cookies and even took a nap before coming home.

Here are some pics (NOTE: Chris did her hair and I don't think he did too bad considering he rarely has to do her hair):

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Pictures of our new addition

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Waiting for baby Jacob to arrive, which took almost 21 hours (same amount of time as his big sis)
Proud daddy!

Leah's first meeting of her little brother
Kisses for baby Jacob
Hmm...let's check your ears baby Jacob

Another kiss :)

Just snuggling with my mommy
Just hanging with my daddy
I'm awake :)

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Jacob Michael Grosso is born!!!

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10:58pm December 7, 2010
EDIT: Birth weight 8.4lbs Length 22"

After a very....very long day, (Michelle's water broke at 2:00am and Jacob was born at 10:58pm) Jacob has finally arrived, two weeks before his due date of December 21.

I wanted to get a picture up ASAP, for Michelle's family back in Vancouver. It's 11:25 pm and Michelle has been holding Jacob since the minute he was born. We don't have weight/length yet but will post soon. If you look back to the begining of this blog you will see a picture of Leah right after she was born...looks exactly like Jacob. We are so excited for Leah to meet her little brother tomorrow.

Will post more later....

Long day's journey into...labor?

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It's been a long un-eventful day. Jacob has only produced a few contractions here and there but nothing consistent. Knowing the looooong process we went thorough with Leah, who gave painful contractions but no real dilation, we made the decision to administer pictosin at 4:15 to help the dilation and contraction process. Because Michelle has a condition called Group-B Strep (a not entirely uncommon condition) if we went home and waited until more contractions started Jacob could be affected adversely. So really the only choice was to stick it out and go through the labor today. It's 4:30 and Michelle is already feeling stronger contractions. More later...

Further Developments..

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Just a quick post (Chris here) and forgive some of the mundane details, some of this will act as a reference for when we inevitably forget what happened when. It turns out Michelle's water hadn't completely "broke" earlier this had started but the rest needed a little prompting. We made the decision to go ahead and have the team here break the water fully to help move things along. After the "breaking of the water" we did some walking and Michelle started to feel more contractions. Back in the room and Michelle has been looking over the lunch menu for 10 minutes....really important stuff there!

The Waiting Game

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In the next 24 hours we will be a family of 4!

It's about 10:15am right now and I'm sitting in my hospital room by myself so figured I would do the first update :)

My water broke around 2:00am this morning and I was kind of in disbelief since it didn't feel the same as when my water broke with Leah. As of today, he's 2 weeks early and his furniture was delivered yesterday (Jacob must have known LOL) and needless to say, I was not ready. I hadn't packed a bag yet or packed a bag for Leah to stay with Grandpa & Grammy. Since I wasn't contracting, I decided to take a shower and obviously pack both bags before we left to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 4:00am and they strapped me to the monitor and ran some tests to make sure that my water did break and not a false alarm. To my surprise Leah was wide awake and happy. Once they determined that I am in fact in labor, they moved me to my private room at the Birth Place. Since it was still early and I really wasn't contracting frequently...Chris, Leah, and I decided to take a short nap.

Once Leah woke up, we had some breakfast and decided that Chris should probably drop Leah off before I really go into hard labor so here I am waiting for baby Jacob to do is magic and for Chris to come back safely.

I'm sure Chris will keep you all posted as we get closer to Jacob's arrival :)

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Moving along with electrical & plumbing

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Since the last post a lot has happened with the house. The roof is complete; basement stairs have been put in; garage, porch, and basement floors have been poured; and HVAC complete. The past week or so the plumber and electrician have been working hard to get things done...even working on weekends, but we are still behind schedule.

In the kitchen looking towards the family room - The "H" looking thing is where the fireplace will go
Our dining room
Family room looking towards the kitchen. Of course Leah couldn't resist on stepping through the dirt pile.
In the family room looking towards the front hallway
Leah's favorite spot in the house...the Powder room LOL.
Study (No it's not snowing in the house...that's dust from the guys sweeping)
Front entrance
Upstairs spare bedroom #1
Jacob's future room
Leah's room - She's checking out her new bathtub.
Outside of Leah's bedroom looking down the hallway
Spare bedroom #2
Master bedroom
Our soaking tub in the bathroom with a see-thru fireplace to the left looking into the master